Our motto?
The perfect raw material for your success!
At the beginning
is the raw material
Whether it's creams, shampoo or a cold bath - cosmetic and pharmaceutical products must be perfectly formulated. Above all, they must contain high-quality ingredients. This is because the individual raw materials are the heart of a formulation. If the heart is weak, the whole product falls.
This is why Cosactive specializes in the production, development and trade of high-quality raw materials for cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. We make sure that the heart of your product is strong and efficient.
Quality and
In our modern laboratories, we produce raw materials chemically and biotechnologically under high quality and hygiene standards. We obtain natural raw materials such as plant extracts or natural oils from reliable sources that guarantee controlled cultivation or certified wild harvesting. Ask us about organic, natural cosmetics or fair trade certificates!
Our range of raw materials is as high-quality as it is versatile. For example, we stock fatty acids, fatty alcohols, natural waxes, glycerine, emollients, emulsifiers, washing substances, surfactants and soap raw materials. These basic raw materials form a strong foundation on which a sophisticated formulation can be built.
Our product portfolio also includes high-quality cosmetic active ingredients such as hyaluronic acids, co-enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants. These substances are mainly used in modern active ingredient cosmetics and anti-ageing products.
Raw materials for natural cosmetics are particularly in demand. We therefore offer our customers valuable natural substances, plant extracts, essential oils and natural fragrances - also in organic quality on request.
High quality from
right from the start
Qualität hat für uns oberste Priorität. Unsere Experten verfügen über jahrzehntelange Erfahrung in der Formulierung von kosmetischen und pharmazeutischen Produkten. Wir wissen, was ein guter Rohstoff leisten muss. Daher nehmen wir nur Produkte in unser Portfolio auf, die unseren eigenen hohen Qualitätsansprüchen genügen. Und das gewährleisten auch unsere Partner und Zulieferer.
Denn ausgezeichnete Rohstoffe sind die Grundlage dafür, dass auch ein Endprodukt entstehen kann, dass unsere Kunden ebenso wie die Verbraucher begeistert.
Quality is our top priority. Our experts have decades of experience in the formulation of cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. We know what a good raw material has to deliver. That is why we only include products in our portfolio that meet our own high quality standards. And our partners and suppliers guarantee the same.
After all, excellent raw materials are the basis for creating an end product that will delight our customers and consumers alike.
Would you like to find out more about our raw materials portfolio?
Then get in touch with us!